Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Screaming!!!

I cannot take it. 
The past two mornings Neal has taken W&F in the living room while I tried to get sleep in the bedroom with Cannon who sleeps good after 6am....ugh. 
Well the past two mornings Falcon has been screaming the most terrible screams! It is terrible and of course has made me want to scream myself! I cannot stand this crying!
It is always because he isn't getting something he wants.
Today I got up and he said he wanted a snack which means fruit snack so I told him we didn't have any snacks and showed him the cabinet so he could see we had no fruit snacks where they usually are because if try SEE the food is gone they are usually satisfied with that but then he requested waffles and I am not making waffles! So I told him those are all gone too which makes him continue the screaming. Neal finally offered him goldfish crackers and now he is not screaming. Really I think you have to be o top of the food situation if you don't want these hunger break downs! And it is literally no help for me if he is just out there letting him scream bloody murder (I wish I had the screaming recorded for his grown up self) becaude he doesnt understand what he is saying. i mean for an hour straight how am I supposed to ignore that and continue sleeping?  

Really my face shows my non sleep stressed out nastiness. Pimps galooooooore. i feel like I need 10 showers a day because I am covered in milk and spit up and stress grease from my anxious sweating. It is lovely.

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