Friday, July 19, 2013


There is just something about it that makes me feel happy. It's probably the hormones that make the mother feel happy but also being able to feed your baby with the body you just created him with is such a cool experience.It's really unexplainable.
It did hurt a TINY bit in the beginning but that is what the cream is for.  I guess it also when the baby bites down and twists his face. That's just the WORST.
Using a boppy in the beginning was a pain. Always having to find the "cereal" pillow. That's is what W&F called it. Now I don't use anything and it's easier because he's bigger and I don't have to search down a pillow or sit in a certain spot. Boppys really are worthless because you could just use a pillow instead and save yourself money. I only used ours for a month. But it was used to begin with so I didn't waste money on it.

Giving my baby something that he's supposed to have instead of pumping him full of formula  (which is still good and fine) felt like I was accomplishing something by giving him breast milk. I do give him formula too and holy cow it's crazy how slowly you go through a thing of formula when the baby is only eating 6-8 oz if that a day of it! It's pretty crazy how much formula W&F went through since after a month they were only formula fed.

The hardest part about breastfeeding I have found is drinking enough water and eating the food necessary to raise my milk supply.  I have been taking fenugreek for a few weeks but other than smelling like pancakes in my arm pits I haven't noticed MUCH of a difference.  Also it is hard to get him to hurse more than 10-15 minutes sometimes. The nurses said babies will nurse like 20-30 minutes? never does he do that! It makes me sad to feel like I have no milk!
I really wanted to phase out the formula all together but pumping doesn't always give me enough to leave with a babysitter or Neal. 

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