Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Over and Over

My days are the same thing over and over again.
Sometimes I don't mind and sometimes it kills me.
The past few days I have gotten like 4 hours of sleep each night.
Monday Falcon woke up at 6 am.
Today they both woke up at 6 am. and Cannon fell asleep finally at 7am (just perfect timing....) after being awake since 1 am.
Neal slept from after we ate dinner all the way to 1 in the morning and we were both just so tired we thought he had gotten like 8 hours because we forgot he was getting home later and assumed he fell asleep at 4 when really he fell asleep at 7.
But he still took care of Cannon after that so I could TRY to sleep but Cannon just kept crying and Falcon woke up crying once that I just wasn't getting rest.
I got to sleep from 10pm to 1am. But after that I got maaaybe 2 hours in 15-30 min increments! haha
That was lovely.
Then when they woke up at 6 I decided to just do laundry and throw myself into doing crap because if I TRY to sleep W&F wake me up so many times I get reallly really really really mad and grouchy.
It is going to be a LOOONG day full of screaming.
It is 7:30 and I already threatened to take away all of their toys so there was nothing for them to fight about because they are constantly high pitch screaming and yelling no at each other for no reason! and that drives me absolutely insane that I shout so loud people who think I am quiet would drop dead..

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