Friday, July 19, 2013

39 Weeks

I took this picture the night before the scheduled Csection.

I was pretty nervous this time. Having two kids at home I was worried about being away from them for 4 days but my mom was here so I didnt worry too much. Also I was more worried about the whole procedure. With W&F I wasn't really nervous at all for some reason! But since I already knew what to expect (and it isn't pretty after a csection) I mean I was OK having a c section again if I didn't go into labor  by the time it was scheduled but only because I was EXTREMELY nervous about having him the regular way too because I had NO idea what to expect with that. I would rather have neither honestly but whatever.
My doctor said she didn't want me to go past 39.5 weeks anyway so I scheduled the csection for 3 days earlier than that on the weekend. Then we get there and I'm thinkin "people do this all the time" in my mind to make myself feel better. And the doctor the surgery was scheduled with came in and asked how far along I was and why we were there and was like "well why are you here? I usually let people go all the way to 40." after I was already hooked up to IVs and had been there over an hour probably. So I was like well I'm already here might as well....

 here is me being nervous

Neal pretending he has a baby too.
I didn't eat for like 12+ hours before the surgery since it was scheduled they don't want you to eat or drink 8 hours before but I went longer because of the weird time. Anywaythey give you this nasty shot of grape stuff to "settle your stomach" but I think that is a load of poop.
In the OR I was NERVOUS. I was shaking so hard. I was afraid to feel that sharp pain down my leg that felt like electricity because they hit a nerve or something last time but not this time! The anesthesiologist was an older nice lady. Then once I was laid down with warm towels all over my arms and stuff I was getting numb I was also starting to feel dizzier and more light headed than I have ever felt in my life and I felt like I was going to die. That may sound like an exaggeration but I literally didn't know what was happening. I mean I knew people got nauseous with anesthesia sometimes but I didn't at all with W&F. Then I started throwing up out of nowhere.....laying down and throwing up is not fun. And then I felt better. And then we had a baby.
He was born June 1, 2013 at 1 something in the afternoon and was 7lbs 12 oz.
Neal actually got pictures of him being pulled out but ONLY when his head was out. Then he stopped to watch instead of take pictures.
 sorry. I had to.

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