Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Csection recovery

Like both pregnancies and deliveries were different so were both recoveries.
After W&F recovery was kinda hard. Standing up for the first time it hurt soooo bad I cried. And it still hurt even after they gave me more meds. It hurt when I got home and it hurt when I laughed and it was just not fun.

This time well of course it wasn't fun either but it was EASY once I got home. I even had a cough and threw up a lot this time and while it did hurt some i stood up just fine the first time. The meds were way better or something. I was really drugged this time while with W&F I felt normal instead of loopy.
One problem I had was passing gas. hahahaha yeah hilarious. I was in tears the WHOLE night after he was born because I could freaking fart. and I was starving (no food until you fart) and 4 saltines every 3 hours was NOT holding me over.  SO I went a whole 2 days with no food! I could have just said I did but I was afraid if I ate food and I got sick or something they would know I lied.

I left the hospital a whole day and a half earlier this time without my staples thank goodness!
Thankfully I could laugh with no problems (maybe because all of the coughing being worse than a laugh?) and it healed really fast and the pain was easily managed with just ibuprofen after a week.
I even lifted w&f a few times and vacuumed and did laundry when I shouldn't have... 
I wasn't supposed to do anything but walk for 6 weeks.. Oops.
But I could tell when I was doing too much and would slow down and after all I didn't bust my gut so I think I did ok.

It is so nice when it all stops hurting but it never stops being tender to the touch/ numb and tingly.

I am excited to start yoga again soon. When I get the motivation and time- never. Hah

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