Friday, July 19, 2013

June 1st

 After the surgery they wheeled me through the hallways (which is embarrassing by the way) and my mom was waiting in the hall to see the baby.

They took me back to the "room" more like curtained area that I was in before and Neal kept giving me updates on the baby. I guess he was there when they gave him a bath and then they asked if I wanted to nurse him but I decided to let them give him a bottle because I was LOOOPy and feeling really really sick.
I don't know how long maybe an hour or two and then they wheeled me up to our HUGEMONGO room. I was feeling queasy the whole bumpy way up and then once we got to the room I threw up. Luckily I didn't throw up in front of anybody in the halls! hah
I probably threw up 10 times before I felt better.
Anytime I moved my head to look around the room would spin. It was not a good feeling. I had NONE of this with W&F.  The nurses were mostly nice except the nurse that I had second I think. My first nurse asked me if I wanted to try liquids like ice chips jello and juice and I said YES OF COURSE because I was sooooo thirsty but I threw up even after eating just ice. The second nurse freaked out after I told her I threw up and picked up the tray of "liquids" and said in a mean tone "you're done then." and went on to say stuff about how SHE always says wait THIS amount of time instead of THIS amount of time before introducing liquids........ Like I was a freaking child or something. I cried when she left the room because holy cow if I want my ice chips and to keep throwing up it isn't hurting YOU!
Anyway I didn't like that nurse and had a grudge against her until her shift was over.
I did have a nurse that I liked a lot and thought she went over and above her nursly duties. She was older and so loving and caring and nice. She seemed to actually care while the other nurses were nice but were just doing their jobs. She helped me go to the bathroom to sit on the toilet the first time and (TMI SORRY!) she WASHED MY BACK down with soap and wash cloth and then rubbed lotion on it and gave me a massage! I couldn't  believe it and i wanted to cry because of how nice she was.

That blob in his lap is the baby! haha

Cannon with his Grammy and Mimo.

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