Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Falcon and Waylen say "yaaaay" if you say "do you want a cookie?"
When we want to take just one of them somewhere we sneak him out by am distracting the other. Neal just took Waylen out and I distracted Falcon in their room then I asked him if he wanted to help make browned and he came to the kitchen and said while holding up his hands "where's Waywen?" Then he put his hands to his mouth and quietly yelled  "Waywen where are yoooou?" Several times.
Cannon is smiling all the time now and making "aaaahhh" noises. 
He had been sleeping ALL day from around the time w&f wake up to around 5 and only waking to eat. 
Then he is awake for a while then sleep for a short time and then is awake until w&f wake up again. It is lovely. It is just nearly impossible to keep him awake if he is tired. You can bother him but no matter what his eyes close again!
But he is too cute. 

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