Saturday, May 25, 2013

38 Weeks

38 weeks with ONE
compared to 
 34 weeks with TWINS

It is crazy how much smaller I am with one baby. It's crazy that these pictures are 4 weeks apart! I mean it's obvious I'd be smaller this time but OH it FEELS SO MUCH SMALLER too. I don't feel as out of breath. I definitely don't get AS BAD of heart burn. I haven't had really painful hands while I sleep this time. I haven't had any swelling in my feet or legs.I think I have slightly more body fat this time since I didn't lose a bunch of weight from being as sick in the beginning as I was with W&F.
I am getting nervous with only having one more week until the scheduled Csection because I feel like I'm just going to have to get a csection and I really don't WANT that recovery time or pain with having 2 toddlers running around. Although I will have my mom here. I don't really want to be hunched over unable to laugh or move for months. I don't know how people recover so quickly from those things.
Anyway I am getting excited. I am getting our room more and more ready and even cleaning UNDER our refrigerator and stove....can't have a dirty house. I really wanted to shampoo the living room carpet because it is disgusting with a capital D but I don't know if that is going to happen. At least it needs to be done before Cannon can crawl.

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