Monday, November 18, 2013

Waylen and Falcon have such different Personalities. Sometimes they want to be the same and sometimes they are complete opposites. 
Somethings recently have been they get mad if they aren't wearing the same shirt. But other times they want to dress different. Falcon likes his church shorts but Waylen haaaaaaaayes them. I tried every shirt on. The closet but he would only wear a striped tee shirt with his khakis. Haha 
Falcon is happy with his one blankie. When we put them to bed he searches the outside of his blanket with his little hands for he yarn pieces holding it together and her twirls them. 
Waylen is a blanket hog an actually rarely uses that blanket anymore. His favorite is the "ye wooow" or yellow blanket that is way too bigfor him but he loves it and stops screaming once you give it to him. But he also has 3+ other blankets on his bed or near him at all times. Haha
Falcon likes some veggies loves broccoli and loves apples. Will eat peas and bananas sometimes. But Waylen will not eat anything green or healthy. No guitar nothing! Unless it is hidden and tastes good. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Cannon aldrank his bottle and was sleeping then started coughing and eventually projectile vomited all over me and himself. I was shouting "noooo cannon! Neal!  Neal!" 
He said "what,s wrong?" so I expected him to come help. I even waited a few seconds. But nope video game still being played. 
I went to the bedroom put cannon naked on the bed, started the shower said a few things that weren't heard took my barfed soaked clothes off and then got in the shower with cannon just to let him breathe some moisture and rinse off. 
Then got out got us both ready for bed. All without a " do you need me to help?" I mean come on! 
What freaking effing video game is more important than helping clean up your child, making sure he is ok, making sure I don't drop him in the shower. He usually freaks out and is standing by the shower the whole time I have cannon in there which is fine but this time because of the video game he didnt. 
We even had this conversation before about somethin else he didnt do because He said "this video game isn't the kind you can just pause or quit playing because it is live with other people. They are counting on you."
So am I. 
How could some stupid stranger you don't know (or your brothers who are also playing) matter more? It is a video game. A video game. What else needs to be said about this fact? Your life does not depend on this game. This game has NOTHiNG to do with your LiFE. He game and the other people do NOT in reality depend on you. They would get over it. Big freakish woop if your score goes down or your team loses or whatever! Your family is what really depends on you. I don't understand how so many stories we have heard about marriages being almost ended by video games (I don't usually care because he doesn't play *that* much anymore except for at night) but I do mind when the games are more or seem more important than anything else. No matter how little sleep I get because I have a baby that stays up Til 1 am and still wakes up 2 times after that I still have to get up at 6:30 or 7 and do so much stuff! I try to lay down after I give them breakfast and water and the first diaper changes but every 10 minutes to half an hour literally I have to get up to get more water or change a diaper or help them do something or tell them to stop doing something. 
Oy. It gets old. I mean I like taking care of my kids buT it is freaking tiring with little to no help as I also do all the chores cook food and ugh. I just want to lay down and stay there. I haven't gotten longer than 5 maybe hours of sleep in I don't know how long. Maybe ONE time in the past few months. I mean at least let me sleep in on Saturday OR Sunday without me having to ask! Even if I ask though and he does it I get woken up by their crying because Neal will fall asleep on the couch or floor but NOT wake up for their crying or their needs. It is a terrible cycle we have here and I don't know what to do. 
I feel like we need a hange of scenery. Aka LIVE somewhere else. 
I swept off the "patio" so I could finish our kitchen table and since it is cooler lately I thought they would love drawing with chalk and playing outside again as crappy as it is to play on a tiny concrete pad with a view of a disgusting junkyard. Our house is just tiny. And claustrophobic. I could live in this house with ZERO problem if we had the huge yard and garage completely to ourselves. Neal always says just pretend we live I an apartment but better. But in reality it isn't an apartment and it isn't much better. We are still basically living with our neighbors an their junk AND loud noises. There is some ear piecing noise going on out back that makes me not want to let w&f out there for fear their ears go bad. I meani feel terrible for whoever lives across the fence from them. This is a residential neighborhood how the farts do they get away with all of this?!? Eeehhhhhhhhhh. Must vomit now from stress.